Join Paul this week for another method of Surrounding Yourself with
the Magic.
Not everyone likes the music, the movies, the international affair.
For some, it is a numbers game. Walt always preferred to hear the
phrase "Yes, if..." It was his way of stopping people from giving
excuses why an idea wouldn't work. Can this work? Yes, if...
Dr. Buzz Price takes us on a journey to 1955 and beyond through his
story... the story of the man who told Walt where he should put
WTTM @ the
NFFC: Join the
WindowtotheMagic team for a week
of magic and in person encounters with the people who make the
magic. July 2008 in Anaheim, California. More information coming
soon, so stay subscribed!
Voicemail: 206-984-WTTM (9886)
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63 mins ))STEREO((